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Barstow Fine Arts Academy

Counselor's Corner

Welcome to the Barstow Fine Arts Academy counseling page. I am Mrs. Lewis, your friendly neighborhood counselor.

Please feel free to email me if you have questions regarding counseling services.

Ms. Lewis BFA Counselor

Mrs. Lewis has been an elementary school counselor in Barstow since 2017 when she began at Montara Elementary School. She has worked in education since 2011, and has been a volunteer in schools since 2007. Prior to school counseling, Mrs. Lewis was a substitute teacher for grades k-12 across the High Desert, and she was a substitute counselor in Apple Valley. She received her bachelors degree in psychology, master of science in counseling and guidance, and a Pupil Personnel Services credential from Califonia State University, San Bernardino. 

Elementary school counselors are educators uniquely trained in child development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills, who understand and promote success for today's diverse student population. As an elementary counselor, Mrs. Lewis provides small group counseling, classroom lessons, conflict resolution, restorative circles,  and individual supports based on need. Students develop social and emotional skills and build resilience in response to the challenges they face.

Students come to the counseling office for a variety of reasons. The most common reason to visit is for help with self-regulating. The counseling office provides a safe environment to have a quiet break, practice calming activities, or to discuss different ways to handle difficult situations. Teachers and parents can request an appointment for their student to speak with the counselor by emailing or calling the counseling office. Students may also request an appointment themselves by asking their teacher to email me or by asking me when they see me on campus. Mrs. Lewis is available throughout the year to all students as a support person on campus. When the need for therapeutic counseling comes up, parents are contacted and outside services are recommended.

Anxiety in Kids

Autism Awareness

What is ADHD?

Coping Skills
